Founding Fellows | Scoliosis Research Society
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First Annual Meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society 

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1. William J. Kane, MD, Minneapolis, MN 14. C. McCollister Evarts, MD, Cleveland, OH 27. Joseph D. Godfrey, MD, Buffalo, NY
2. David B. Levine, MD, New York, NY 15. Robert P. Keiser, MD, Coral Gables, FL 28. James W. Tupper, MD, Seattle, WA
3. William F. Donaldson, MD, Pittsburg, PA 16. Charles Hollenberg, MD, Winnipeg, Canada 29. Gordon W.D. Armstrong, MD, Ottawa, Canada
4. Jacquelin Perry, MD, Downey, CA 17. Allan M. McKelvie, MD, Washington D.C. 30. Robert B. Winter, MD, Minneapolis, MN
5. John H. Moe, MD, Minneapolis, MN 18. Walter P. Blount, MD, Milwaukee, WI 31. Loren J. Larsen, MD, San Francisco, CA
6. John E. Hall, MD, Toronto, Canada 19. Marr P. Mullen, MD, Seattle, WA 32. Edward J. Riseborough, MD, Boston, MA
7. Louis A. Goldstein, MD, Rochester, NY 20. G. Dean MacEwen, MD, Wilmington, DE 33. James E. Holmblad, MD, Schenectady, NY
8. Paul R. Harrington, MD, Houston, TX 21. Richard M. Kilfoyle, MD, South Weymouth, MA 34. L. Ray Lawson, MD, Dallas, TX
9. Frank Wilson, MD, Vancouver, BC, Canada 22. Warren G. Stamp, MD, Charlottesville, VA 35. Lawrence Noall, MD, Portland, OR
10. Albert C. Schmidt, MD, Milwaukee, WI 23. John H. Doherty, MD, New York, NY 36. William H. Bickel, MD, Rochester, NY (not pictured)
11. Frank H. Sterling III, MD, Greenville, SC 24. Allen S. Edmonson, MD, Memphis, TN 37. Charles H. Herndon, MD, Cleveland, OH (not pictured)
12. Daniel C. Riordan, MD, New Orleans, LA 25. William M. Deyerle, MD, Richmond, VA  
13. Anthony J. Bianco, Jr., MD, Rochester, MN 26. Ronald L. DeWald, MD, Chicago, IL  

Honorary members selected by the Executive Committee June 9, 1966: John R. Cobb, MD, New York, NY; Albert B. Ferguson Sr., MD, New York, NY; George R. Garceau, MD, Indianapolis, IN; Claude N. Lambert, MD, Chicago, IL; Joseph C. Risser, MD, Pasadena, CA; William von Lackum, MD, New York, NY